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Tag: mortgage

Articles tagged as Mortgage

Debt Strategy That Works

Posted on October 9, 2022 by Marc Johnson
Have you got a debt strategy is effective? If borrowing all you can is the strategy, it is not going to work! Debts are equally good and bad, but generally speaking, the less debt you have, the better off you are.any advisors will tell you to hold on to your good debt.They let you hang on to that mortgage and invest the money instead.Yes, it may be possible to make more money in a mutual fund than could be saved by paying off a mortgage early...

Debt Management & Planning

Posted on November 2, 2021 by Marc Johnson
Debt management is a vital element of financial planning.Take note of your streams of earnings and incomes generated from the many investments.Occasionally it becomes imperative that we take loans, because this helps us save tax.As an example mortgage payments give gains in tax preparation.However the interest payments are real and have to be deducted in the income that you have.Thus be certain that you have the income to repay the debts...